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Retrieving RAW Frames from the ESP32 Camera using Python


The ESP32 camera module is a versatile piece of hardware that offers both wireless and wired connectivity options. While it's common to use it with JPEG compression for ease of streaming, sometimes, we need the highest quality of images, especially for scientific applications. In such scenarios, RAW frames become critical.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up your ESP32 camera to capture and send RAW frames via USB Serial to a Python application running on a PC.

Alternatively, you can also readout the frames using the HTTP Interface. This is much faster and can more pixel throughput / resolution!



  • ESP32 camera module (Tested with Seeed Studio XIAO Sense with the OV2640 camera)
  • PC with a USB port
  • USB-C Datacable


  • Optional: or Arduino IDE
  • Python (e.g. Anaconda) with packages: numpy, pyserial, and cv2. You can install them using:
    pip install numpy pyserial opencv-python

ESP32 Setup

:::Danger The following steps are only necessary if you want to modify and flash the firmware on your own. It's written in the framework :::


The Video will tell you everything you need to know:

  1. Flash the right firmware** by visiting :
  2. Test the stream by visiting:
  3. Start the Python script to visualize images: (

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the code (folders, subfolders) from the repository.

Step 2: Flashing the Code


  1. Open the project in
  2. Connect the ESP32 camera module to your PC.
  3. Select the correct board and port.
  4. Build and upload the code.

Using Arduino IDE:

  1. Open the Arduino IDE and select the correct board and port.
  2. Open the .ino file from the cloned repository.
  3. Compile and upload.

Step 3: Check the Serial Monitor

Ensure the code is running correctly by opening the Serial Monitor. You should see logs if everything is set up correctly. If there are any errors, they will be displayed here.

ESP32 Code

setting expsorue time: t1000\n
setting gain: g1\n
getting frame: \n
restarting: r0\n */
  • In a previous version we had problems with frame synchronizsation, therefore we manipulated the frame buffer to eventually detect the offset. A pattern of alternating 0,1 is added to the first 10 pixels. Therefore the frame-grabber function looks like this:
void grabImage()
camera_fb_t *fb = NULL;
fb = esp_camera_fb_get();

if (!fb || fb->format != PIXFORMAT_GRAYSCALE) // PIXFORMAT_JPEG)
Serial.println("Failed to capture image");
// Modify the first 10 pixels of the buffer to indicate framesync
// PRoblem: The reference frame will move over time at random places
// It'S not clear if this is an issue on the client or server side
// Solution: To align for it we intoduce a known pattern that we can search for
// in order to align for this on the client side
// (actually something funky goes on here: We don't even need to align for that on the client side if we introduce these pixels..)
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
fb->buf[i] = i % 2; // Alternates between 0 and 1
// delay(40);

// String encoded = base64::encode(fb->buf, fb->len);
// Serial.write(encoded.c_str(), encoded.length());
Serial.write(fb->buf, fb->len);
// Encode the buffer in base64 and send it
String encoded = base64::encode((uint8_t*)fb->buf, fb->len);
//free(encoded); // Remember to free the encoded buffer after using it



Python Setup

Step 1: Clone the Python Script

Clone the Python implementation from here.

Step 2: Running the Python Script

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the script.
  2. Run the script:

Step 3: View the Results

If everything is set up correctly, you should see RAW frames being displayed.

Optimizations & Advanced Topics

To get the most out of this setup, consider the following:

  1. Optimizing the Framerate: Try adjusting the baud rate or optimizing the code further to achieve higher frame rates.
  2. Image Processing: Use OpenCV to perform real-time image processing. This can include autofocus, image recognition, or any other computer vision task.
  3. Camera Settings: Explore the camera settings interface in the ESP32 code to adjust exposure time, gain, or even restart the camera.

Python code

        # Command the camera to capture an image
time.sleep(.05) # Allow some time for the image to be captured

then read the information from serial to have a full frame

      time.sleep(.05)  # Allow some time for the image to be captured

# Calculate the length of the base64 string
base64_length = calculate_base64_length(320, 240)

# Read the base64 string from the serial port
lineBreakLength = 2
base64_image_string =

and then decode the frame into a numpy array

        # Decode the base64 string into a 1D numpy array
image_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_image_string)
image_1d = np.frombuffer(image_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)

# Reshape the 1D array into a 2D image
frame = image_1d.reshape(240, 320)

That's all the magic.


This tutorial provided a step-by-step guide to capturing RAW frames from the ESP32 camera and processing them with a Python application. The capability to handle RAW frames can open up a wide range of possibilities, especially for scientific and precision tasks.

For further exploration, check out the openUC2 project which utilizes this setup for hardware autofocusing with the ESP32 camera.

Feedback & Community

Your feedback and contributions are valuable! Share your results, ask questions, or suggest improvements by creating an issue in the repository. Join the community and collaborate to push the boundaries of what's possible with the ESP32 camera.

There you have it—a full tutorial based on the provided input and suggestions. Modify as you see fit and ensure all links are functioning correctly.